Prerequisite: C/C++, Website Designing
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
- Introduction to HTML
- Basic structure of HTML
- Formatting tags in HTML
- Working with Table Tags
- Introduction to PHPScript
- Looping statement in PHPScript
- Working with Predefined functions
- Maintaining Validations in PHPScript
- Working with Different types of Mouse Events
- Miscellaneous
- PHP’s role in the WWW
- Language fundamentals
- PHP Basics
- Variable rules
- Storing & retrieving information in variables
- Decision making in PHP
- Comparison operators
- The if construct
- The while construct
- The for construct
- Working with arrays
- Functions
- Declaring functions
- Passing data by reference
- Variable scope in PHP
- Working with web forms
- PHP POST & GET form elements
- Embedding forms with PHP code
- Validating form data
- Guidelines for secure PHP
- Understanding magic quotes
- Setting default values in forms
- Processing uploaded files
- Retrieving uploaded files
- PHP session handling
- PHP cookie handling
- Handling date & time
- Working with files in PHP
- Reading & writing files with PHP
- Handling errors
- A brief history of databases
- Relational database concepts
- Database tables
- MySQL Data types
- Introduction to PHPMyAdmin
- Creating and Checking Tables
- Auto_increment and Primary Keys
- Inserting Values into Tables
Project with PHP and MySQL
- Creation of database and required tables using PHPMyadmin.
- Creation of required templates, pages and managing site using IDEDreamweaver.
- Keeping structure, style and behavior of created pages apart.
- Creating login and logout pages for maintaining sessions.
- Creating forms to insert data into address book-personal details, image etc.
- Creating page to view the data from address book.
- Adding PHPScript for form validation.
- Adding server side validation.
- Adding mouse events like mouseout and mouseover dynamically.
- Creating page to edit or delete the records in the address book.
- Creating page to enable searching the address book.
Introduction to Ajax
- What is ajax
- Connecting to server using PHPScript
- Downloading data behind scenes
- Modifying web pages on the fly
- Creating an XMLHttpRequest Object in different browsers
- Checking the XMLHttpRequest Object’s readyState property
- Checking the XMLHttpRequest Object’s status property
- Getting Your Data With the XMLHttpRequest Object
- Problems creating an XMLHttpRequest Object
- Fetching Text Data From the server
- Using the text data received through XMLHttpRequest
- Working on project using PHP and MySQL